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Tuesday 11 January 2011

官奸勾結 兵匪難分




短短的幾天,沒想到這一長串的名單就多加了一條生命。這最新被記在名單上的名字,叫克里斯南(M Krishnan),警方公佈的死因是“胃潰瘍”,胃潰瘍到全身淤青、滿身傷痕、背有腳印、眼睛黑腫;胃潰瘍到令一個36歲尚屬壯年的生命,可以在短短四天內悄無聲息的逝去。





5 评论 Comments:

Anonymous said...


Should post the question to the Health Minister, LTL, how is it that he never reports to his fellow Malaysians ( And the World Health Organization ) that there is a new disease breeding in Malaysia ? Could it be the 'By-Product' of his 'brilliant' GM mosquitoes project?

Think of it, the 'mata-mata' wants to build up 'good' relationship with people by knocking @ doors & visiting household, can we not answering them? Can the mask fend us off this terrible 'new disease'?!

人生不过如此-沈兴.sim Heng.(1963)。 said...


ANG said...



人生不过如此-沈兴.sim Heng.(1963)。 said...


Anonymous said...

Heartily agree with you, brother, LTL is a real草包, on top of that he loves to act in front of public.

Just take a look at all the cabinet ministers, from MCA alone, one can tell why a country so rich in resources can remain as a developing country even after 50+ yrs of 'independence' ( Unfortunately still not independent from the Umno lots.) while its neighbour is already neck to neck with the 1st class nation in the world.

These ministers not just草包 & parrots, worse still, very shameless & corrupted. Throw them into a truly democratic country with more discerning citizens, they would not be able to earn half as much as they do on their pay slip, not to mention the 'under table' benefits. With ministers, AG & IGP etc of this type of calibre breeds the MACC clown, what to expect from the 'licensed' gangsters?

p/s If the authority has a tinge of dignity, the transport minister, the IGP, the AG, the MACC etc etc should all step down after so many unwarranted incidents happened.

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