Last two weeks, my best friends in KMJ came to Mid Valley to have a Buka Puasa gathering!!
Although as a non-muslim, i need no to "puasa" in this Ramadan month, but i did "puasa" for this gathering purpose...It's really suffering when "puasa"......! Can't eat is a small matter, but can't drink is really make people tired!
All these are the good friends of mine in KMJ (until now). They all made up a most wonderful college life of mine in KMJ! There are really a plenty of good times when we all in that college.....sahur together, gathering every night, go shopping at weekend, hang up to "observe" pretty girl in the college, wow! too many good memorise (Haha, like an old man now, keep talking past)!
Some of them were graduated already and some of them are still studying in various college! I'm really glad that our friendship didn't lapsed after we'd finish our study in matriculation and have no meet each other for such a long time (we do contact each other via msn)!! Friedship forever!
Haha, following are the photos in that gathering:
Hedir and Afif. Afif is my roomate in KMJ (my best friend also), top student in MRSM and KMJ, if his english was better, i will not longer meet him in KMJ (haha, don't punch me Afif). Hedir, another good friends of mine in KMJ, he stayed opposite to my room, so always hang out in my room. At those time, my room was the base of our gang...full with food and stuff, haha!
7 of us. Some of our friends in KMJ couldn't make it on this gathering. Some of them are Dazwan (handsome wakil pelajar in KMJ, playboy~), Wei Bing, Laut, Chee Hui, Bobo and many others...because is in weekend, and it's a long holiday at that weekend because of Merdeka Day, most of them are not in KL....(in the photo, starts from left: Mape, Hamdi (sit), Abu (stand), Hedir, Afif, Me and Zaki. Not in the photo: Suh Wen)
Borak-ing when waiting for buka puasa time....
All of them were looked tired at that time (me too)...
After knew that i'm taking their photo, all immediately gave a good pose -.-"

After having our dinner (no time to take photo at that time!! Eat, eat, eat!!), we hanging around in mid-valley......
Last photo before Mape and Abu go back...Abu need to travel long time to go back his college at Shah Alam...Mape is going to find his girlfriend i think @.@"
A really good gathering, the next would be at Afif Melacca house in this coming Raya~